Custom Software Development
Our Promise to you
Quality code, secure software and reliable support
At Findan Software, we specialize in finding adventurous solutions to our client’s challenges. While we specialize in cloud-based web applications, our team is skilled and experienced in developing desktop and mobile solutions too.
Our clients count on our talented team to handle projects from start to finish. At Findan Software, we develop, manage and provide robust quality assurance and ongoing support to all of our projects.
Have a problem?
Findan Software may have the solution.
We work with small and medium-sized businesses across a variety of industries, finding solutions and opportunities that help organizations improve and reach new heights.
Check out some ways that custom software development can help your business thrive.
Are you losing time and money on workarounds and software that’s “almost” right?
There are loads of great off-the-shelf software solutions these days, but many organizations find that none of them truly meet their needs. It takes time and money to test different solutions, and it can feel like you’re locked in for life once you’ve finally invested and committed to a platform. At Findan Software, we take the time to understand your company’s current needs and do our best to anticipate future challenges too. Then we take this knowledge and design a custom software solution that is tailored to your business. There’s no unnecessary bloat and useless features and no need for workarounds that slow you down and increase costly errors. Just a tailor-made solution that fits!
Do you rely on spreadsheets to capture and analyze data or manage your business?
Spreadsheets are awesome; we’re big fans! But while spreadsheets can be a great solution for the early stages of your business, they are limited in their ability to scale and are vulnerable to human error. Most organizations turn to spreadsheets as a solution when no other system seems to exist, and that’s where we come in. Findan Software builds process-specific custom applications that are efficient and scalable. By reducing the need for time-sucking data entry, reliance on human-managed datasets and the risk of critical data loss, your business can focus on the next big opportunity.
Is your team using third-party software and platforms for critical processes?
An investment in custom software development and applications is an investment in the future of your business. If your organization relies on third-party software or platforms for operations, your company depends on its ongoing success and management. A critical security breach, leadership change, or price increase could devastate your business. When you work with Findan Software to develop custom software solutions for your organization, you own the IP and can rest easy knowing that you don’t need to worry about costly license fees and third-party platform failures in the future.
Technical Expertise
The very nature of our work means we often have to come up with novel solutions to complex problems, which often involve climbing new summits to see what’s possible. That’s why we’re constantly learning, practicing and adding new skills and experiences that prepare us for our next thrilling software development adventure.
Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform for application management using Microsoft-managed data centres. Findan Software uses Azure for developing, running and maintaining applications such as Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source application framework that we use to build apps for web, mobile web, native mobile and native desktop use. The Findan Software team has extensive experience with developing custom software applications within the Angular framework.
React (also known as React.js) is an open-source JavaScript library that our team uses to build effective user interfaces. Findan Software developers are also experienced with React Native, a UI software framework used in the development of applications for Android, iOS, macOS, Web and Windows.
Pronounced “dot net,” .NET is an open-source computer software framework for Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. Our team uses the cross-platform system to develop custom software applications and cloud services that are fast and secure.
Cloud-based web applications
Findan Software uses cloud technology to develop, deploy and support applications faster and more efficiently than traditional static development.
Our team also has experience with:
- APIs from Google, SyncFusion, and Microsoft
- Computer vision
- Document processing
- SPA (Single Page Applications)
- PWA (Progressive Web Apps) that run on iOS and Android
- Connecting multiple disparate systems
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- SSO (Single Sign On)
- OAuth
How can we help?
Need something you don’t see here? Contact us anyway!
We haven’t encountered a summit we couldn’t climb yet, and we pride ourselves on helping our clients find the right guide for their adventure.