Project Portfolio
We help you find an opportunity
Companies just like yours work with Findan Software to create practical, meaningful solutions for their business.
Whether we’re automating processes and workflows or building a platform from the ground up, we embrace technology and its ability to improve lives and the world.
Projects and Case Studies
Discover how our clients use software to solve problems and embrace opportunities.
Intelligent Filer Case Study
Discover how Findan Software worked with Xerox to transform document filing into an automated process, saving workers thousands of hours.
CLIC for XPPS Invoicing Case Study
Discover how Findan Software took an hours-long process and transformed it into a task that takes less than 1-minute saving organizations time and money!
Phony Content Video Automation Case Study
Learn how Phony Content and Findan Software created a custom web application for the Phony Texts social media empire and automated content creation.
Xerox Touchless Access App Case Study
Learn how Findan Software and Xerox met the challenges of a global pandemic and developed a custom web app to create safer workplaces around the world.
Abercrombie & Fitch HR Automation Case Study
Learn how Findan Software helped streamline Abercrombie & Fitch’s hiring process with automation to reduce errors and improve operational efficiency.
Custom software development
Adventurous solutions for your business problems
Findan Software works with businesses to find and develop opportunities. We help automate processes, streamline workflows and build creative solutions that make life better for our clients and their teams.
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Suite 300, 4838
Richard Rd. SW
Calgary, AB T3E 6L1